Ora cure Therapy

Dental acupuncture has been shown in studies to be effective for treating and managing orofacial pain. It is also beneficial particularly in cases of temporomandibular disorders (TMD), which are a common source of jaw and facial discomfort. TMD can cause significant pain in the jaw and surrounding muscles. When combined with conventional treatments, dental acupuncture has demonstrated excellent results in relieving TMD-related pain.

Your dentist will assess your health as well as your whole medical history before the dental acupuncture treatment to have a better sense of whether you are a good candidate. A thorough evaluation aids in the development of a personalized acupuncture treatment plan and the stimulation of the precise acupuncture points.

The needle insertion: To begin the process, filiform needles are placed into the predetermined acupuncture sites in the mouth and all over the head and neck. Because the needles are so tiny, the process is typically painless. The number of needles inserted is subjective and might range from 5 to 25 or more. To activate the sensory points, the needles are placed to a specific depth, usually half an inch to an inch. The acupuncture point is activated by stimulating the needles after they have been inserted. To activate the points, the practitioner may alter or gently move the needles, or he or she may inject an electric impulse into the needles.

The needles are gently withdrawn after 20 to 25 minutes. The process is not painful. Acupuncture is typically a relatively painless technique, and those with a low pain tolerance can benefit from it. Acupuncture is a simple and minimally invasive technique, as it does not involve the use of any harmful or toxic substances that could negatively impact the body. However, there are some rare and undesirable side effects associated with the practice.

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  Inno Peel treatment

Treatment of Dry Mouth

What is dry mouth?

Dry mouth, or xerostomia, occurs when the salivary glands do not produce enough saliva to keep the mouth adequately moist. Saliva is vital for maintaining healthy teeth and gums, as well as aiding in digestion. Several factors can lead to dry mouth, including medications, radiation therapy, dehydration, and aging. Common symptoms include a dry feeling in the mouth, difficulty swallowing or speaking, and a sticky or parched sensation. Treatment options include over-the-counter products such as mouthwashes and oral moisturizers, or prescription medications from a healthcare provider. For effective treatment and to prevent dental issues while improving oral health.

Sali Pen: the device for dry mouth relief that you deserve! Increase saliva production by gentle stimulation.

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Oral ulcers

Mouth ulcers are common and are usually due to trauma such as from ill-fitting dentures, fractured teeth, or fillings. However, patients with an ulcer of over three weeks' duration should be referred for biopsy or other investigations to exclude malignancy or other serious conditions such as chronic infections

Management of oral ulcers

A large spectrum of options is available for the management of aphthous ulcers. The main goal of treatment is to decrease pain, healing time, number, and size of the ulcer. The results of many previous studies indicated that LLLT was successful in reducing the pain intensity and total healing time of aphthous ulcers.

While traditional treatments like applying local anesthetic gel inside the oral cavity offer only symptomatic relief, dental lasers take treatment a step further. Lasers operating in the red and near-infrared spectrum have the potential to reduce inflammation and accelerate the healing process. This mode of laser therapy, known as biomodulation, promotes beneficial biological changes within the body. In addition to treating oral conditions, these lasers can also facilitate the healing of other dental infections.

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  Inno Peel treatment

Early detection of oral cancer

Oral cancer is an important health issue. The WHO predicts a continuing worldwide increase in the number of patients with oral cancer, extending this trend well into the next several decades. It is a largely preventable cancer, since most of the different risk factors identified, such as tobacco use, alcohol consumption, and betel nut chewing, are behaviors that increase the likelihood of the disease. Given its high mortality, early diagnosis is of utmost importance. Prevention and the anticipation of diagnosis begin with identification of potentially malignant lesions of the oral mucosa and with local conditions promoting chronic inflammation. Therefore, every lesion must be recognized promptly and treated adequately. The clinical recognition and evaluation of oral mucosal lesions can detect up to 99% of oral cancers/premalignancies

Potentially malignant oral epithelial lesions are a group of oral conditions and diseases that can be present before the onset of oral cancer and include a group of clinically suspect oral mucosal lesions such as leukoplakia, erythroplakia, submucosal fibrosis, and lichen planus. Most of these lesions, however, do not progress to cancer

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  Inno Peel treatment

Orofacial pain and Jaw pain

Orofacial pain refers to pain originating below the orbito-meatal line, above the neck, and in front of the ears, including discomfort within the mouth. The specialty of Orofacial Pain (OFP) focuses on the prevention, evaluation, diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of disorders related to orofacial pain. These conditions may involve pain and associated symptoms from a specific cause, such as post-surgical pain or pain linked to malignancies, or they may manifest as syndromes where pain is the primary issue, like TMJ disorders, neuropathic pain, or headaches.

Diagnosing painful syndromes involves analyzing historical data, reviewing lab results, imaging studies, behavioral, social, and occupational assessments, as well as conducting interviews and examinations by an orofacial pain specialist. For TMJ disorders, we assess patients to develop non-surgical treatment plans.

An Orofacial, Head, and Neck Pain specialist serves as a consultant to other dentists and physicians but often plays a central role in managing patient care. They may provide direct treatment, prescribe medications and rehabilitative services, perform pain-relieving procedures, counsel patients and families, lead multidisciplinary teams, and coordinate care with other healthcare providers. Additionally, they offer consultative services to public and private agencies, ensuring optimal healthcare delivery for patients suffering from painful conditions

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  Inno Peel treatment