GFC (Growth Factor Concentrate)
Having trouble with hair loss? GFC is your go-to treatment. Growth Factor Concentrate (GFC) aids in fastening the growth of hair while encouraging new growth factors. GFC is a technology-focused treatment that is considered to be among the most cutting-edge methods for both hair growth and loss. GFC is also known as the next generation of platelet rich plasma treatment ensuring a moderate, safe and effective surety to your hair loss worries.
The foundation for the GFC treatment starts with the analysis of the client's scalp, hair type and hair density. procured from the patient’s blood, GFC makes it safe and effective. Subsequently, a compound of the blood is centrifuged to isolate the platelet rich plasma which is infused into the hair. The GFC treatment is perfect for those having hair concerns as this treatment is perfect for those having hair concerns as this treatment helps in reducing hair fall and promotes the growth of healthier fuller hair.
Though GFC has similar procedures as compared to PRP, GFC focuses more on faster results and growth concentration rather than slow steady treatments. These concentrates also focus on high concentration of growth factors derived from platelet rich activation rather than platelets with cells. Use of GFC empowers the Dermis with treatments like platelet driven growth factor, vascular endothelial growth factor, insulin like growth factor and finally epidermal growth factor.
The GFC hair treatment is an innovative method to hair care as it nourishes hair with vital nutrients and moisture to produce exceptional luster and smoothness. It promotes hair density and smooth shiny hair.
GFC provides a customizable solution made to meet each of your needs, whether it is receding hairline, thinning hair or just dull hair. However the advantages of GFC treatment go well beyond hair growth, the customers are ecstatic about the hair’s strength, thickness and volume alongside the enhanced texture and vibrancy, With a GFC treatment, you can dive into a world of hair restoration and revival along with discovering how to maximize the potential of your hair. Through GFC treatment, embrace the beauty of thicker, healthier hair and set out on a path to empowerment and confidence.